You can't be available 24/7
Potential customers expect an immediate reply. Chatbots help you capture leads by replying automatically, even when you're out of office or in a different time zone.

Create powerful bots in minutes
Our drag and drop bot builder lets you build complex bots without breaking a sweat.
See inside our bot builder →
Engage visitors with images, gifs, videos & emojis 👌
Chat live with customers
Reply to incoming messages through our inbox, or take over bot conversations
See inside our live chat app →
When a customer gets in touch through live chat,
anyone in your team can quickly reply
Schedule meetings automatically
Let customers book meetings at a time that suits you both— without lifting a finger.
Find out more about automatic scheduling →
Connect your calendar, set your availability
and you're good to go.
Send lead data to 1,500+ apps
Connect incoming leads to your email list, CRM and more

Use Zapier or native integrations including Mailchimp,
Drip, ActiveCampaign, HubSpot and Moosend.
Install with 1 line of code
Add our embed code to your website or use our Wordpress plugin

We think chatbots should be something any business can use
Create powerful bots in minutes
Our drag and drop bot builder lets you build complex bots without breaking a sweat.
Chat live with customers
Reply to incoming messages through our inbox, or take over bot conversations
Schedule meetings automatically
Let customers book meetings at a time that suits you both— without lifting a finger.
Send lead data to 1,500+ apps
Connect incoming leads to your email list, CRM and more
Install with 1 line of code
Add our embed code to your website or use our Wordpress plugin

Engage visitors with images, gifs, videos & emojis 👌

When a customer gets in touch through live chat,
anyone in your team can quickly reply

Connect your calendar, set your availability
and you're good to go.

Use Zapier or native integrations including Mailchimp,
Drip, ActiveCampaign, HubSpot and Moosend.

We think chatbots should be something any business can use
Check out all our features!
From targeting and security to all our integrations... Check out what Continually has to offer to see how
we fit with your goals
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Find out how the leads agency saved time going from manually scheduling meetings by email — to automated bookings on their website.
Read story →Get started with a free account
Reduce customer acquisition costs with a bot that works 24/7
Easy set up
No credit card required
Free forever