Designed for non-technical people: just add one line of code to get started.

Design intelligent, relevant conversations
Create powerful bots without any coding skills using our drag and drop bot builder.
We give you full control of what you say, when you say it and who you say it to.
Chatbot builder →
Chat live to customers
Go live when you're ready and available. Chat live to answer questions, build relationships and increase conversion.
Live chat →
Book more meetings
Use our intelligent scheduling assistant and let customers select a time when you're both available.
Connect your calendar, set your availability and you're all set.
Send data to your mailing list, CRM & more 👇

More awesome features...
Continually fits with your workflow
Landing pages
No website required. A free hosted Continually landing page you can use to have automated bots and accept bookings from visitors.
Add a custom domain for each page to make it your own.
Targeting & personalisation
"Power-up" the conversation flow and make it more intelligent with features like targeting, variables and conditional logic.
Lead profiles
Get a complete picture of the leads that get in touch. We store all the conversations and any lead information captured like campaign source, social profiles and more.
Private, secure, fast & reliable
GDPR compliant. Data securely hosted in the EU.
Easy to install
Use our wordpress plugin or add a line of code to your website to get started.
JavaScript API
Advanced control of how your bot behaves.
Slack & email notifications
Get notified about customer activity.
Unlimited number of bots
Our plans allow you to build as many bots as you need.
Use across multiple websites
We don't restrict the number of domains you can add your bot to.
Add your entire team
Invite your colleagues to create bots and respond to questions.
Give your clients direct access, or create accounts for different brands.
Translate your bot into any language
Get started with a free account
Reduce customer acquisition costs with a bot that works 24/7
Easy set up
No credit card required
Free forever